Friday, January 18, 2008

Paths of Fate

I recently took a test with the Ordo Dracul called The Paths of Fate. I didn't initially think it would be a big deal, but as it approached, and I went through the rather frustrating lose-lose questions, I was completely drained towards the end. I was also very unhappy to have a Tarot card determine my "fate" within Ordo, but I was stuck. I was surprised that both the courses of Light and Darkness fit my personality prett closely, which makes me put a wee bit more stock into the Tarot card determining that I fulfill The Last Judgement (image on the left).
Albert, my test administrator, said that my "judgement will see you through as it always has, but you must be careful not to lay your judgement over others completely. It is your greatest strength, but at the same time, it blinds you at times to truths you dislike."
I have to say that while that pronouncement made me pause for thought at the time, I quickly forgot about it. It came rushing back as something that I need to take more seriously when I overran Hank's judgement that his "special" icewine would be a good presentation to the honoured guests at the party that I hosted. I was so worried about my reputation and how the others would take literal "blood-wine" that I dismissed Hank's idea, and almost asked him to not bring it at all. I'm so relieved that I didn't stop him from bringing it because it was actually somewhat popular. I definitely didn't notice any outright rejection of it, and noticed a few fall in love with it.
This example of my deciding against Hank's judgement is minor, but it is concerning to me that I was so quick to do it. It's definitely a red flag for me to keep my own opinions in balance with others....especially others that I trust.

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